Our Liminal Minds - Writing From Our Own Galactic Outer Rims


Our Liminal Minds - Writing From Our Own Galactic Outer Rims 

This course is an in-depth, guided tour through various processes of writing from the liminal mind. You’ll be introduced to the practices of freewriting, improvisational writing, automatic and “spirit” writing, “trance” speech (these latter three sections being tame interpretations which anyone can try), and finally the wonders and oddities of the hypnagogic world (the state between waking and sleep).

You’ll learn how to access slightly altered mind states and quirky areas of your subconscious. You’ll pick up tricks and tips you can use to push past writer’s block and other forms of creative paralysis. And you’ll walk away with practical tools for approaching your writing practice with courage, creativity, and openness.

Each of the five units in this course includes:

  • written lecture material

  • mentions of further reading opportunities

  • at least one warm-up exercise to help you get into the zone

  • and at least one writing challenge

This class is focused on process rather than product. There is no way to do it “wrong” or “badly.” I’m simply sharing practices with you that will help you to generate new writing, and think about both your mind and your creativity from new points of view.

It’s a self-paced course—you complete it asynchronously, and at your own speed, within a year.

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